The Republican Party is getting more psycho every day.
If you thought you had enough with Sharron Angle, Carl Paladino, Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Orly Taitz, Joyce Kaufman, Glenn Beck, and Ann Coulter,
now comes Arizona Guv Jan Brewer and Florida Congressman Allen West. Not that they haven't been on the list before.
Brewer keeps coming up with more different concoctions (untruths) about her putting her finger in the President's face. But then as someone else said, she is a stranger to the truth. Jan Brewer said her dad died fighting the Nazis in Germany. He died in California in 1955! He was never in Germany.
Allen West, this time winding his ribbon around the psychopole, told the President and other Dems to get the hell out of the United States.
Trouble is, their followers eat this stuff up.
Any guesses on violence to follow? If you don't recall Joyce Kaufmann, she is the Florida radio hate host who said, "If ballots don't work, bullets will." Even after that West hired her to work in Congress for a bit until West thought it would be too radical. Maybe now they can get back together again.
We've heard this psycho talk from dozens of those in the Republican Tea Party. It was mummed after Gabby Giffords was shot. But as I said in an earlier article, it will be back, and it is.
There followers eat it up!
Yes, their base will follow them right down that winding PSYCHO-PATH.