Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Whatever Happened To Randolph Scott

"What Ever Happened To Randolph Scott" was a song written by The Statler Brothers in 1987.

Tho in the same vein, this is neither about him nor a song.

I am wondering whatever happened to "United we stand" ?
Whatever happened to "We're all in this together" ?
Whatever happened to "The loyal opposition" ?

We heard these words echoed for many, many decades, even in the last administration.
But now comes outfits like the extremist Tea Party, and several hundred new hate groups, extremist militias and the likes.
The mission of some of particular groups is either to kill cops and judges, impeach President Obama before he even took office, replace honorable Republicans like Richard Lugar of Indiana with the likes of fanatics like Allen West of Florida. Even once semi-reasonable Republicans have swung to their side.
Their battle cry is "No Cooperation, No Compromise," things that were the foundation of our very Constitution., our very continuance as a great nation.

I'm hesitant to compare to Hitler and Nazi Germany, only because they have used the words so often. But this is Goose-Stepping beyond no doubt.

Whatever happened to America?

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