Make no mistake, President Obama was born in the United States, the state of Hawaii.
But there was a republican birther under every rock, no, no, they were throwing the rocks, swearing that the President was born in Kenya.
Now, even if Obama was born in Kenya, which he wasn't, he would still be an American citizen because his mother was. But no matter, Obama must be figuratively lynched.
Now cometh Rafael Edward Cruz, alias Ted Cruz, alias Calgary Cruz. Yes sir, Cruz was born in Canada. By the fact that at least one of his parents was American, Rafael has dual American citizenship.
Calgary Cruz wants to be your president, just like Rick Perry did, or does. Just Like Greg Abbott will, just as George P. Bush, son of Jeb Bush, will. You all come to Texas if you want to be president.
Back to our exciting adventure. Now that Calgary Cruz wants to run, he is denouncing his Canadian citizenship. He had earlier denounced sanity, reason, common sense, decency, and a few other things, but we need to get back to our exciting adventure.
President Obama had more certification than Calgary Cruz, but where are the birthers now that you need them? Not a peep.
Are they collecting their rocks to say now that Obama was born in Nova Scotia, to deflect the attention from Rafael Edward Cruz, alias Calgary Cruz.
Come on Donald Trump, this is your chance to get some attention, and run for president again. But I suggest that you move to Texas first.