Sunday, March 18, 2012

From "Global Warming" to "Climate Change" to "Extreme Weather"

Those are the terms scientists and weathermen have slowly upgraded to.

Yet the non-intelligents I referred to in my last article keep insisting that it is not real, that it is a hoax, that humans had nothing to do with it.

Oh very well.

My only question is when the tornadoes happen where they never before happened, in seasons they never before happened, and far more frequently, when the flooding and droughts are more severe and prolonged, yes when even blizzards are more severe, when ocean levels rise, when food production becomes limited...

can we put those who said it was a hoax in jail, can we make all the naysayers pay for all the damages because they convinced our leaders to do nothing?

Probably not, because when it all happens, they will be the very people who say it was all our fault.

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