Saturday, March 10, 2012

I'm Cancelling My Health Magazines

I'm cancelling my health magazines.
One month they tell you coffee was bad for you.
Next month they tell you coffee was good for you.
One month they tell you red wine was good for your heart.
Next month they would tell you red wine causes cancer.
One month they tell you ginkgo biloba was good for memory.
Next month they tell you it is worthless for something I can't remember.
One month they tell you load up on Vitamin E.
Next month they they you it'll kill you.

So I am cancelling my subscriptions.
But that was not the problem. The problem was that I kept waiting for them to say that about "exercise."
But month after month, year after year, they kept prescribing exercise, never changing. So you can understand why I cancelled.

My wife keeps telling me to exercise. I said, Honey I drive to the mall every day.
She says that doesn't count.
I tell her I could drive all the way to Dallas.

In the meantime I am going to sit in my recliner, sipping on my coffee, until one of you sends me an article saying that they finally changed their minds, and declared that exercise is bad for you.
Then I will exercise by getting out of my recliner, carry the article to my wife, and go back to my recliner to sip on my coffee, which I hope will still be good for you.

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