This is one of their favorites.
I've been telling Republicans for years that we don't want to "redistribute wealth", we just want it "properly distributed" in the first place. Things like minimum wage, the Christian minimum thing to do.
Let me abbreviate Redistribution of Wealth as "ROW."
But we surely are having a major ROW right now. I don't mind a CEO taking a bonus of $20 million, or $40 million, you heard that right, just the bonuses. But the way they are taking it today is to cut employee's pay, cut their health care plans, call full time employees "temporaries", cut their pensions, eliminate vacations. They tell the company that profits are seemingly up and I'm giving myself a bonus.
Now maybe we all need to tighten our belts, but all the GOP is doing is tightening the noose around the middle class. Let it be known throughout the land that the middle class is disappearing in America under the Republican boot. Let it be known throughout the land that that the blood of the middle class is on Republican hands.
Boehner, DeMint, McConnell, Armey, Delay, Cantor, (why do I always pick on the big, pow'ful, mean guys since they have friends like Karl Rove? It's just a fault of mine that I am working on) are probably telling you that if you don't support the $40 million bonuses, then you "peons" will never have a chance to collect those $40 million bonuses yourself.
I'm going to say this only once, but it applies to all the punchline articles. You rank and file Republicans shouldn't let yourself be taken in by these punchlines, most of you are not stupid, I said most of you. Maybe you should get off some of those medications you're taking.