Tuesday, August 30, 2011

GOP Punchline #11: The Constitution

Have you noticed how many GOP candidates get up, say they are quoting our Constitution, when they unknowingly are reading The Declaration of Independence.
That's about what the lot of them understand about the whole dang thing, America, her people, the American culture.

The Teapublican candidates say that Social Security, the Minimum Wage, and other items are all unConstitutional, because they are not in The Constitution.

NASA is not in our Constitution. I guess Teapublicans will soon be declaring America's landing on the Moon unconstitutional. Maybe Perry, Bachmann, Romney, Paul, Palin, Gingrich, Santorum and company can get our dozen or so Moon landings recalled.

You know I tell it with a punch, and now I want to punch a lot of Democrats. The willy-nilly, wet noodles say we must "Educate" Republicans. I could kick these weak kneed, sissy Democrats' butts up one coastline and down the other.

I've been telling you for over twenty years that what we have to do also starts with the letter "E", but it is not "educate", it is "Embarass."

If you want anything done, you must "Embarass" Republicans into something or out of something. When Ted Kennedy was on the floor of the Senate fighting for an increase in Minumum Wage, he didn't wimper, "Gentlemen statistically speaking..." He basically yelled to the Republicans, How much damn greed do you need?

Now you Democrats that think otherwise, you can crawl back under your beds for the night. Dammit Democrats, get some balls. It's not your neighbor that I'm talking to.

God bless Ed Schultz, and R.H., and J.N.G.

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