As was pointed out in Punchline #4 regarding Spending, both Reagan and Bush increased the size of government also. So never trust their campaign squawkings, nor those of current candidates.
More government? Less government? I was partially a fan of Ron Paul until I realized he wanted a free for all.
Most Republican presidential candidates, and GOP congressmen, want to eliminate Minimum Wage. Figure their Christian-in-name-only buddies could get folks to work for $4.00 an hour. As times get worse, and they will, get 'em to work for $3.00 an hour.
They fail to realize the old saying that "When everybody does better, everybody does better."
Yes, a few laws are ridiculous, I believe they removed the very old one that men's and women's underwear cannot be hung on the same clothes line. Some laws are made just to stifle your competition. But most are made for good reasons, though parties will argue which til the Second Coming.
Back to minimum wage. Many years ago I worked my way through college, working for the U during the year, and because it paid more, worked in factories during the summer. During a break at the factory, an old timer told me that years ago a factory owner's wife screamed at them,"We'll have you working for 25 cents an hour again!"
It is for this and several other reasons, that when I consider the size of government, 30 years ago I said:
"How much government? As little government as your people treat each other fairly; as much government as your people treat each other unfairly."