Friday, August 19, 2011

GOP Punchline #7: Support the Troops

Our Troops "wuz" used.

Before I continue, we need some qualifiers:
1. Every troop, male or female, Army, Marine, Coast Guard, Air Force, Merchant Marine, National Guard, Navy, in any war or any time of service can hold their head up, stand tall, pop their chest buttons.
Their is an old saying: "Honor the warrior, not the war." I may criticize a war, but don't mistake that I criticize any troop in that war. They served their country when called upon.
2. Before the chickenhawks, who trump up wars, who never served or avoided a war, pop off: During a time of war, I voluntarily entered military service. I later volunteered to serve in the war zone. When I wasn't getting that assignment, I called the powers. They told me I was too short timewise. I won't use the words I used, but said something like, I don't give a "flip" or words to that effect, how short I am, get my butt over there, and they did.
Purpose of telling you chickenhawks this: A right-wing punk, pimp, whatever you want to call him, a punk who never served a day in his life, called me a "fake veteran," because he doesn't know how to argue. To this day he is verbally getting his butt kicked by others for that. Not to worry, other people have recorded his sick sayings.
You can cut me down, but be careful how you do it.
I'm not going to fight any wars anymore, I'm an old man. But I will fight for what, not what I think is right, but for what I know is right.

Now can we get to our subject. Our troops "wuz" used.
We entered Iraq based on four lies: That somebody didn't want to go to war, that Iraq had something to do with 9-11, that Iraq had weapons of of mass destruction (was it flawed intelligence, or rigged intell?), that it was to spread Democracy.

They coined a phrase: "Support the troops."
It was a con job. What they meant was support Bush's war and if you didn't, you weren't supporting our troops.

I'll tell you about supporting our troops:
While this was going on, Bush, Cheney and/or THE Republican Party were trying to cut troops pay, trying to cut funding to the VA.
I'm going to say that one more time for you Republican rank and file. I've been trying to tell you for decades that THE Republican Party doesn't care about you.
While this Support the Troops was going on, Bush and Cheney were trying to cut troops pay and VA funding.

You rank and file Republicans are facing the wrong way in the trenches.
Look at the voting records of Dem and Repub congressmen; see who's supporting troops' and vets' causes. It's mostly Dems.

The military budget? Let's call it what it is, not defense budget, but military budget. Perry, Palin, Bachmann want it increased. But what do they want increased:
Whiz Bang weapon systems the Pentagon doesn't want, weapons that don't work, weapons that cost twice what they told us, weapons that are obsolete, weapons that don't pertain, weapons that are thrice redundant.
You jackasses want to Support the Troops? Cut out some of the Whiz Bang and give our troops decent housing, give our troops' kids decent schools!!!

Can you guess what the next Punchline will be? Maybe it's "wuz" God being used? I know what needs to be said; just going to wait a day or so to let them think about it.

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