Michele Bachmann says congressmen should be investigated as to whether they are anti-American. She obviously believes some are. Funny you should ask Michele. Should you be on that list?
Sit down folks, this one is going to be all serious.
Setting the background, the ilk of Bachmann people wanted to impeach Obama before he even took office. These people are anti-American.
The ilk of Bachmann people damned a patriot Obama for not wearing a lapel pin. The first thing a communist, child molesting, alien from the far side of Mars would do is wear a lapel pin. These damners are anti-American.
Then there was the birth certificate. Obama didn't have to, but provided it long ago, and there was testimony from the Hawaiian Secretary of Health and Republican Governor. But that wasn't good enough. In a fit of anti-American harassment, you and your ilk demanded the long form.
Bachann says Obama is anti-American. Make your case Bachmann. You're not only short on physical stature, you're short on everything, short on ethics, short repeatedly on historical facts, short on accomplishments, short, short, short.
Bachmann, you and most of your GOP congressmen are anti-American.
You come into session, your juices stirred up by the Teapublicans, thinking you can destroy Social Security, Medicare, Minimum Wage, and a lot of other things, some of which hard working American citizens have spent their whole life paying into, and count on in their old age. You also stomp on children, the poor, the disabled.
You, Cantor, McConnell, DeMint, Boehner, and all the scroungy wolves that packed with you are anti-American.
Don't try to cover up that it was to save money, or belt tightening, you were out to destroy these things, you anti-Americans.
Your next anti-American act: The President was willing to bend on some of these issues, bless his unsuspecting heart. But you and your ilk said you don't bend fo' nuttin'.
Even in some of Reagan's 17 debt limit increases, as much as 62% of it was settled as revenue (tax) increases. But when eight of you GOP prez candidates stood on the platform recently, asked if you would reject a plan that was nine parts spending cuts, and one part revenue increase, you all raised your hands.
It's not just a difference of opinion; this country has run for over 230 years on cooperation and compromise. You anti-American Teapublicans would destroy this country to have your way.
Earlier, you all would take a position for something, Obama would then say, I'm for it too. Then you all would immediately be against it. You would be against something; Obama would say he's against it too; you all would then change your minds and immediately be for it. These switches would even happen when you jackwagons would sponsor a bill.
To call you childish brats would be an insult to all the childish brats out there. No, you're anti-American.
McConnell would not get up to the podium to say our purpose here is to make America strong and successful; our purpose is to destroy Obama.
I think even you, Bachmann, see a pattern here. It might be fair to call you the "anti-American Party," but there are some good people out our way that that would be unfair to. How about we call you the "Washington Congressmen anti-American With A Few Exceptions Party."