How many times in a single speech have you heard Republican candidates mention jobs? About as many as the number of well paying jobs they have created for somebody besides their buddies.
When will Repub candidates stop talking about jobs? The day they would have gotten elected.
Job creation and Republicanism don't mix. Why look at these con "jobs":
1. They say government shouldn't create jobs, private industry should. During this recovery private industry sat on two trillion dollars of profits, and REFUSED to create jobs. Somebody said let's destroy Obama, and so no private industry expansion.
2. Giving more tax cuts to the super rich creates jobs. If you rank and file are still falling for that one after it hasn't worked before, quit taking some of those medications.
3. Sending jobs overseas. I always thought that was un-American Michele B. but not quite anti-American. But here it comes. There are laws letting corporations defer taxes on overseas jobs profits. Dems tried to close that loophole; Rupubs almost to the man killed it. Now that's what I call anti-American. The list is starting to materialize Michele. Are you on it? But this is just the tip of the iceberg. We haven't even got to Punchlice Anti-American yet.
Back to jobs: Look at job creation by administrations by percentages:
(D) Roovevelt 5.3
(D) Johnson 3.8
(D) Carter 3.1
(D) Truman 2.5
(D) Clinton 2.4
(D) Kennedy 2.3
(R) Nixon 2.2
(R) Reagan 2.1
(R) Coollidge 1.1
(R) Ford 1.1
(R) Eisenhower 0.9
(R) G. Bush 0.6
(R) G W Bush minus 0.7
(R) Hoover minus 9.0
When George Bush left office he was losing 750,000 jobs a month for America. Didn't seem to be doing anything for it. REMIND your fellow Repubs of this.
When Roosevelt cut back on spending for jobs in 1937, because Repubs squawked, we went back into depression. Repubs laugh at FDR projects. We recently drove over the magnificent Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. FDR enabled that. The magnificent Boulder Dam, later renamed Hoover Dam, enabled by FDR. Though smaller, there are thousands of magnificent projects across this country accomplished by WPA and CCC.
Today, they tell us unemployment is 9.1% BULL. It is about 20%. Add to the official count, those who have given up, those dropped from the list. They have also come up with this pretty-sounding term of people not counted called "underemployed."
Well I consider the engineer flipping Mc burgers unemployed. I consider the teacher handing a bag of fried chicken nuggets out a drive thru window unemployed. I consider a small businessman who just closed his business and is now stacking whole pickles and the kitchen sink onto something they call the Chicago burger as unemployed.
Mr. President, go on nationwide TV night after night, commandeering it if you have to. They will not call you any names they are not already calling you. Declare this 20% an EMERGENCY.
Read ASCE reports. Besides, as I said in an earlier article, besides preventing bridges from collapsing on Republicans, besides seeing millions of Republicans go without electricity in multi-state grid blackout, we will prevent sewage from leaking into Repub water, prevent Repubs from going without water because of million gallon leaks because of 75 year old pipe systems. Railroads, airports, highways, on and on.
Fixing, updating these things is not an option. We must tend to this. Not doing this is anti-American, Michele Bachmann. And a by product, by golly, is that we will employ millions of people.
One thing that is hard to get into GOP over-medicated heads is that employed people pay taxes, buy things, spend money.
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God Bless America, we can do it.