Monday, September 24, 2012

What Went Wrong ?

Mitt Romney isn't working out for the Republicans.

Geez, do you think they should have picked:
Sarah Palin?
Michele Bachmann? 
Hermann Cain?
Donald Trump?
Rick Perry?
Christine O'Donnell?
Rick Santorum?
Chris Christie?
Sharron Angle?
Jim Demint?
Mitch McConnell?
Allen West?
Todd Akin?
Karl Paladino?


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

An Awful Lotta Bitchin' Lately

Over many decades our youth or disenfranchised have protested against what they thought was wrong or for what they thought was right.
They were usually met with cries of "Love it or leave it."

There has been an awful lot of bitchin' from Republicans in this country lately.

Geez do ya' think we oughtta tell 'em to "Love it or leave it."

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