Monday, May 20, 2013

Scientists Looking For Alzheimers Gene

Ladies, don't get uptight about this, I am not mocking you, I am mocking myself.

Scientists have recently discovered the gene that may cause breast cancer. Since a famous actress found that she possessed that gene, she had BOTH her breasts removed.

Scientists are close to discovering the gene that may cause alzheimers. My wife says that if it turns out that I possess that gene, she is going to have my brain removed.

I was scared when she said that, but relieved when she said she would only have ONE removed.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Huge Asteroid Coming May 31st

On May 31st, asteroid 1998 QE2 (discovered in 1998) will pass by the Earth. It is 1.7 miles long.

Will God destroy the Planet because you shook hands with a gay person?
Will God bring the World to an end because we are over-populated with feminazis?

We eagerly await the Word from men of scientific minds like:
Rush Limpbrain, Pat Robertson, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin,
and maybe a special visit from the other side, Jerry Falwell.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Darrell Issa Is A Lying SOB

Who is Darrell Issa? He is a very, very rich and somewhat powerful Republican congressman from California. Currently, he is conducting House hearings on Benghazi.

Issa said on Face The Nation, Sunday May 14th, that Hillary Clinton was not the target of the hearings, that President Obama was not the target.

Darrell Issa is a lying SOB. About two years ago, Issa swore that he would hold a hearing on our President every week.

In that his only few goals in life are to get rich and destroy an honorable president, rather than caring for our country, he is like typical Repbulican congressmen, Boehner, McConnell, Cantor, Demint, Cornyn, Cruz, Bachmann, ....lord I'm going to run out of paper...also treasonous SOBs, oh, one treasonous B.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Just A Question, Just A Question

Should political organizations be given tax exempt status?
Today's issue, why shucks, issue for about the next nine months, is:
The IRS and the tea party.

I know that churches and charitable organizations get tax exempt status.
And when they endorse political candidates they should lose that tax exempt status!!!!

No, what is going on now is not Nixonion. Nixon ordered tax audits on his enemies.

I know that I can't take tax exemptions for political contributions. But the tea party groups think their political organizations should because there is maybe a 2% charity to them, the rest funnelled into politics.

Now, I will concede that pumping brain cells into George Bush would not be political.
No sir, that would be a charitable contribution.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

78,000 Apply For One-Way Trip To Mars

This is no joke, through a company called Mars One, 78000 people have applied as the title says for a new life on the planet Mars.

Back in my state we only hope that the 78,000 are Tea Party members from Texas.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Mark Sanford Wins Election

I am sorry to announce that Mark Sanford won the special election in South Carolina for a U.S. Congressional seat.
Being a hard working man, he has already published his schedule:
1. Meet with voters
2. Trip to Argentina
3. House committee meeting
4. Trip to Argentina
5. Introduce bill to House
6. Trip to Argentina
7. Caucus
8. Trip to Peru (that one could get him in trouble)

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