Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Do Not Send Money

Every day I open my email or snail mail, I am bombarded by a dozen requests for money, some I consider legit, some not.
One website continually insists on donations; they after all, have to pay their writers.
I would think it would be reward enough to see their works on a website.

We want you to know that we do not pay our writer. He is physically chained to his desk, receiving only a tiny morsel of food when he completes an article, just enough mind you, to give him enough strength to write another article.

We will never ask you for money, just compliments. 
This website is fully funded, and fully fun.

Monday, September 16, 2013

My Take On Syria

The Syria Scenario changes weekly. Here's my take:

There are 22 countries in the Arab League, including Kuwait, Libya, Morocco, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates, and Syria itself.
The League voted that there must be international strikes against Assad for using chemical weapons, with Algeria, Egypt, Iraq (our dear buddies, or not), Lebanon, and Tunisia saying they are "opposed to the final decision to call for foreign military action."

Make the Arab League strike Syria. This is their geographic territory, their peoples. Of course they  have "limited" fire power compared to that of the United States, but of course these are supposed to be "limited" strikes.

Then, when some terrorist group wants to retaliate, they can blow up some towers over there...
instead of in Kansas.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Much Feedback Received

After my last post on striking Syria, I received much feedback.
Half of it was for the strike and half against it.
Or was it half for my writing and half against it.

In any case, not to worry. I say not to worry because there probably won't be a strike.
Since Obama said he wants to strike, the Republicans will deny him.
If Obama didn't want to strike, the Republicans would insist on striking.

The President needs to use reverse psychology on these guys.
He should tell the GOP that he is against creating jobs,
that he is against equality for women,
that he is against voting rights,
that he is against Obamacare,

And sure enough, all would be well with the world.

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