Sunday, January 15, 2012

In All Fairness

In all fairness, we did 19 Newtiegrams, we should do 19 Mittiegrams.
So much to talk about like:
"Corporations are people."
"Let foreclosures run their course."
His fellow (thou shalt not talk ill of another Republican) Perry calling him a "Vulture Capitalist."
When challenged, how Mitt says we should "talk about this in quiet rooms."
Just when was it that Mitt had to worry about "getting a pink slip."
The flip-flopping.
How others have said Mitt would say anything to get elected.

Have you noticed that when Mitt can't answer a question in an interview, he starts fidgeting, physically bouncing around, saying we should start the interview over again. Even Newt can keep his composure better than that. You can't start the presidential office over again Mitt.

So much to talk about, and so little time.

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