Thursday, May 16, 2013

Darrell Issa Is A Lying SOB

Who is Darrell Issa? He is a very, very rich and somewhat powerful Republican congressman from California. Currently, he is conducting House hearings on Benghazi.

Issa said on Face The Nation, Sunday May 14th, that Hillary Clinton was not the target of the hearings, that President Obama was not the target.

Darrell Issa is a lying SOB. About two years ago, Issa swore that he would hold a hearing on our President every week.

In that his only few goals in life are to get rich and destroy an honorable president, rather than caring for our country, he is like typical Repbulican congressmen, Boehner, McConnell, Cantor, Demint, Cornyn, Cruz, Bachmann, ....lord I'm going to run out of paper...also treasonous SOBs, oh, one treasonous B.

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