Tuesday, August 16, 2011

GOP Punchline #2: Privatization

That has the sweet scent of skunk spray to it.
I have only three comments on it right now; read these later as I may add some.

First, when something is privatized, they have absolutely no accountability to you.
At least with the government running it, you can write to your Congressman and get action. The privateers will tell you to get screwed.

Second, they're in it only for profit, like cutting out prisoners meals. I know I feel the same way you do about some of them, but even Jesus said to look out for the prisoners. Do you think the savings are passed on to you? Shucks no. They usually keep raising the prices to you with no accountability to you.

Third, a good example in health care is Medicare. With the government running it, 97% of the money they take in goes back to you. With private insurance, only about 63% goes back to you, the rest to advertising, propaganda, lobbying (whoa there's a big one) big bonuses, bigger salaries, and whatnot (whoa there's another big one).

The sweet smell can be sprayed right back in your eyes.

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